Sunday 28 November 2010

All-nighter feet.

Recovering on a Sunday evening from two nights which were amazing musically - Soul or Nothing and Radcliffe all-nighter.

Serious records played both nights and Karl Heard in the Soul or Nothing room at Radcliffe blew me away again - the most under-rated DJ ever?

Highlights for me were 'Twinkle Little Star' by the Parisians, 'Ruby' by Lee Brackett, 'Lost in the Crowd' by Billy Byrd and 'Stop & Think' by Tommy Bush (great great cheapie!). But there were too many good tunes to remember even a fraction of the names.

Just got a copy of this as well, so very happy!

Wednesday 24 November 2010

I'm back!

Right! Sort of lost interest in the whole blogging jazz, but thought I would give it another go - with some more self-congratulatory bollocks... now from up in the dirty North!

So whats new on the clubbing/music/fashion side of things...


Pork & Beans on the 17th!

Boom Shaka Lacka from the Italians and the Frenchman on the 22nd:

Also bashed out a flier for a mates night in December, should be good (maybe I should think about going into graphic design?!):

And this mayhem for February (cannot wait!):

Check it out on a (very recommended) website of my mates for more info as well:

Also been putting together some finishing touches on a new compilation CD, but my laptop decided to pack in and delete all my music, but it will be finished soon!

Been buying lots of music & watching lots of films (hours of Blaxploitation!) & a few nice pieces of clobber, more details to follow shortly...
